WATCH: FC Opportunity: The Story of FC Edmonton’s 2022 Season Thus Far

“The positive byproduct of all the stuff that we’ve gone through is that we have a lot of people now who are in the professional game,” says FC Edmonton head coach Alan Koch.

As a result of the off-field challenges they have faced in 2022 with regards to team ownership, The Eddies have become known as FC Opportunity this season.

With many first-year professionals taking the pitch for the club, and a lot of them playing for CPL contracts for next year and beyond, the players are working hard for themselves and for each other, united in the goal of having the best season possible despite difficult circumstances out of their control.

Here’s the story of their 2022 campaign thus far, featuring Koch, and players Tobias Warschewski, Darlington Murasiranwa and Wesley Timoteo.