
Predictor: Full Contest Rules


(the “Contest Rules”) 

The CPL Predictor (the “Contest”) is organized by Canadian Premier League (“CPL”). These  Contest Rules govern the Contest. Participation in the Contest constitutes full and unconditional  agreement and acceptance by each Participant of the Contest Rules, which are final on all matters  relating to the Contest.  


The Contest is administered by the CPL and sponsored by the following sponsors: TonyBet (collectively, the “Sponsors”). This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by  or associated with any third-party social media or social networking service or site (each a “Third  Party Service”), including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter. Any questions,  comments or complaints regarding the Contest should be directed to the CPL and not to any Third  Party Service. 


The Contest is open to individuals legally resident in Canada (excluding residents of Quebec) who  have reached the age of majority in their province of residence (each a “Participant”) as of the  date of entry. To be eligible to enter the Contest, Participants must be the sole owner of all right,  title and interest (including copyright) in and to the Entry Material (as defined below) submitted  in connection with the Contest. 

Employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives of the Sponsors, and the CPL, and any  of its affiliated entities and clubs (collectively, the “CPL Entities”) or any of their respective  parents, subsidiaries or affiliates, any prize suppliers, any and all other entities associated with the  Contest, a household member of any of the individuals listed above, whether or not related or  members of the immediate family (spouse, parent, child, sibling) of the individuals listed above,  are not eligible to enter. 


The Contest starts on April 14, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. EST, runs through the 2023 CPL Regular  Season and ends before the final CPL Regular Season match on October 7, 2023 (the  “Contest Period”).  


No purchase is necessary to enter the Contest. Participants may enter using the method of entry  outlined below. No entries will be accepted by any other means.


The Contest consists of a game where Participants submit Predictions (defined below). Before  submitting a Prediction, Participants must register for the Contest in accordance with the  instructions set forth below. 

  1. Registration 
  • Go to (the “Webpage”) or open the CPL Centre Circle app (the “App”)  using a compatible device. 
  • Click on the Contest banners, buttons or links to access the Contest. 
  • Click the “register” button and complete the registration form. 
  1. Submit Predictions during the 2023 CPL Regular Season  
  • Once registered and logged in to the Webpage or the App, Participants may submit  Predictions prior to the start of matches during the 2023 CPL Regular Season. The Contest  Period starts on April 10, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. EST, prior to the first matches of the 2023 CPL  Regular Season on April 15, 2023, and ends before the final match of the 2023 CPL Regular  Season on October 7, 2023.  
  • Participants must wait for the weekly matches to appear on the Webpage / in the App.  Once the questions have appeared, Participants must answer the four (4) questions set out  below for each weekly match by making predictions of the match outcome (each, a  “Prediction”):  

o Question 1: Which team will win the match (home/away/draw)? 

o Question 2: Which team will score first (home/away/none)? 

o Question 3: In what minute will the first goal be scored (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40,  41-HT, 46-55, 56-65, 66-75, 76-85, 86-FT)? 

o Question 4: How many total goals will be scored? 

  • Points will be awarded based on the likelihood of the predicted outcomes.  Each week a certain match will be featured (the “Match of the Week”). Correct  Predictions made for the Match of the Week will entitle the Participant to additional points  for each correct answer.  
  • Each set of weekly matches will be available for Predictions during the timeframe specified  below. A new set of weekly matches will be refreshed every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. EST.  Each set of Predictions for a given match will close one (1) minute before the scheduled  match kick-off time (the “Cut-off Time”). Predictions must be submitted before the Cut 

off Time to be eligible for the Contest.  

  • Participants whose Predictions are found to be correct will be awarded points towards the  CPL Loyalty program. Correct Predictions for regular matches will be awarded 5, 10 or  15 points. Correct Predictions for the Match of the Week will be awarded 10, 15 or 20  points. Correct Predictions will accumulate towards the following potential prizes: 
  1. Weekly Prizes. For seven (7) randomly selected weeks during the Contest Period,  the top weekly leaderboard score may win a prize. 


  1. Grand Prize. The Participant with the top seasonal leaderboard score at the end of  the Contest Period will have a chance to win the Grand Prize.  
  • CPL Perfect Prediction Prizes. Participants who answer all questions correctly for a  given week within the Contest Period will also be eligible to win a $20,000 prize (to a  maximum of five (5) prizes per Contest Period). Note: the CPL Perfect Prediction Prize is  only available for weeks during the Contest Period when there are at least four (4) matches.  To win the CPL Perfect Prediction Prize, a Participant must answer all questions correctly  regardless as to whether there are four (4) or more matches in a given week.  

Each Participant is entitled to enter one set of Predictions each week.  


A Participant’s entry may be refused or rejected if: 

  • the entry is not submitted in compliance with these Contest Rules;  
  • the entry contains false or misleading information, or is late, falsified, illegible, damaged  or incomplete or otherwise irregular; or 
  • the entry is submitted using robotic, automated, programmed, or other illicit means. 

It is the sole responsibility of each Participant to register and submit their Predictions in accordance  with the Contest Rules, and to ensure they comply with all eligibility requirements. The CPL will  not assume responsibility for, nor make adjustments to, incorrect registrations or Predictions. The  CPL reserves the right to refuse any entry for any other reason as it may determine, in its sole  discretion. 


By entering the Contest, each Participant: 

  1. agrees to be bound by these Contest Rules and by the decisions of the CPL, which decisions  are final, binding and conclusive; 
  2. represents and warrants that: (i) their entry, including any material comprising the entry (e.g. name, user name, profile picture, etc., as applicable) and any material submitted with  the entry (e.g. photograph, video, written submission, or other form of submission, as  applicable) (all such material, collectively, the “Entry Material”) is original to the  Participant; (ii) the Participant has all necessary rights in and to their Entry Material to  enter the Contest, including the consent of any third parties whose personal information is  included in their Entry Material; and (iii) the Participant’s Entry Material does not contain,  depict, include or involve content that is, or could reasonably be considered to be,  inappropriate, unsuitable or offensive, as determined by the Sponsors;


  1. understands and agrees that their entry, including Entry Material, will not be returned to  the Participant and may be moderated or edited by the CPL and/or the Sponsors as they  deem appropriate; 
  2. grants to the CPL and the Sponsors the irrevocable right to use the Entry Material in any  media worldwide and for any purpose related to the Contest (or any similar contest),  including the right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works  from Entry Material without notification, compensation or additional consideration to the  Participant; 
  3. waives all claims of moral rights in any use of the Entry Material by the CPL and/or the  Sponsors pursuant to the rights granted in these Contest Rules; and 
  4. waives and forever discharges the Sponsors, CPL, the CPL Entities, their respective  parents, affiliates, and subsidiaries, any other companies associated with the Contest, and  all of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensees,  successors and assigns, as well as any Third Party Services (collectively, the “Releasees”),  and agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the Releasees, from and against any and  all claims, damages or liability, including any costs or losses related to personal injury,  death, damage to or loss or destruction of property, arising out of, or in any way related to,  (i) participation in the Contest, (ii) the awarding, receipt, possession, use or misuse of any  prize, in whole or in part, including participating in travel or any activity related to the  prize, (iii) the use of any Entry Material or Publicity Material (defined below) in  accordance with the rights granted in these Contest Rules, or (iv) any breach of these  Contest Rules. 

The prizes available to be won in the Contest are as follows: 

  1. WEEKLY PRIZES – $100 weekly prize, to be awarded during seven (7) randomly  selected weeks during the Contest Period, to the Participant with the highest weekly  Prediction point score. 
  2. CPL PERFECT PREDICTION PRIZE – $20,000 CPL Perfect Prediction Prize, to be  awarded up to five (5) times throughout the Contest Period, to the Participant who correctly  predicts every question in a given week. The CPL Perfect Prediction Prize is available a  maximum of five (5) times during the Contest Period. Note: The CPL Perfect Prediction  Prize is only available for weeks during the Contest Period when there are at least four (4)  matches. To win the CPL Perfect Prediction Prize, a Participant must answer all questions  correctly regardless as to whether there are four (4) or more matches in a given week. 
  3. GRAND PRIZE – The Grand Prize, consisting of a trip for two (2) to a 2023 CPL Final  Match (to be held on October 28 or October 29, 2023, subject to change based on venue  availability), including a pair of match tickets, travel (including air or ground transportation  from within Canada), and two (2) nights’ accommodation. The Grand Prize is to be  awarded to the Participant with the highest seasonal leaderboard Predictor point score at  the end of the Contest Period.  

The Weekly Prizes, CPL Perfect Prediction Prizes and the Grand Prize are hereinafter individually  referred as a “prize” or collectively as the “prizes”.



All prize particulars will be determined by the CPL and the Sponsors in their sole discretion. In  addition to any prize conditions provided elsewhere in these Contest Rules, any prize awarded in  the Contest is subject to the following conditions: 

  1. Prizes must be accepted as awarded, have no cash value and may not be transferred or  resold unless otherwise determined by the CPL and the Sponsors. 
  2. Prizes or any portion of a prize cannot be combined with any other promotions or special  offers.  
  3. Prizes may not be exactly as advertised. The CPL reserves the right to substitute an  alternate prize of equal or greater value if an advertised prize is unavailable at the time of  award. The prize is provided “as is” without representation or warranty of any kind by the  CPL and/or Sponsors. 
  4. Winners are solely responsible for any taxes owed in connection with prizes.  e. Any unused portion of the prize, once awarded, will be deemed forfeited. The prize will  not be replaced if lost, destroyed, mutilated or stolen. 

The following terms and conditions apply to the Grand Prize: 

  • Any upgrades made by winners will be payable by the winner and will not be included in  the Grand Prize. For greater certainty, the Grand Prize does not include, without limitation:  flight/hotel upgrades, additional hotel amenities including room service, in-room bar and  hotel dining. 
  • The Grand Prize is not transferable. In the event that the winner is unable to claim the prize,  it will be awarded to the next best finisher on the seasonal leaderboard. 
  • The Grand Prize must be accepted as awarded and is not transferable, assignable and/or or  convertible to cash; no substitutions are permitted. 
  • The Grand Prize will not be released unless and until the confirmed winner is present and  adequately identified, to the satisfaction of the CPL. 
  • Should the winner be unwilling or unable to accept the Grand Prize for any reason, no form  of compensation will be awarded. 

Potential winners will be notified within one (1) to two (2) business day(s) following the end of  the applicable cut off time, using the information provided at the time of entry. In the event any  potential winner does not respond to such notification within three (3) business days of the first  attempt of contact by the CPL, declines a prize for any reason, or does not meet the requirements  set forth in these Contest Rules, as determined by CPL, the potential winner will be disqualified  and the prize may be cancelled. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by the tie  breaker rules. 

Before being declared a winner, a selected Participant must:


  • correctly answer, without assistance, a time-limited, mathematical skill-testing question to  be administered by the CPL; 
  • be in compliance with these Contest Rules; 
  • sign and return, within the designated time period, a release of liability and consent to  publicity form (the “Release Form”) and any other documentation as reasonably required.  The CPL may require winner’s guest(s) to sign and return a Release Form and any other  documentation as reasonably required, as a pre-condition to participation in the prize. In  the event any guest is a minor, the parent or legal guardian of the guest will be required to  sign and return such paperwork on behalf of the minor guest. 
  • at the request of the CPL, provide proof of identification to confirm eligibility or to claim  a prize, or provide proof that they are the authorized account holder of any account  associated with the selected entry. 
  • Once a potential winner is confirmed as a winner, prize distribution will be promptly  coordinated by the CPL using the information provided at the time of registration. 

The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received, as well as the accuracy of  the Predictions made by the Participants.  


The CPL and/or Sponsors may require winners to appear in publicity related to the Contest or to  any similar contest. By accepting a prize, a Participant: 

  • grants to the Sponsors the irrevocable right to record, photograph or otherwise capture or  document the Participant, the Participant’s likeness, voice, or any statements the  Participant makes regarding the Contest or the prize, by any available means; 
  • agrees that any such captured material, together with the Participant’s biographical  information, such as name or place of residence, Entry Material (collectively, all such  materials, the “Publicity Material”) may be used by the CPL and/or the Sponsors or their  licensees, successors, or assigns (collectively, the “Publicity Parties”) in any media,  whether now known or later devised, worldwide and in perpetuity, for advertising or  promotional purposes related to the Contest or any similar contest. Any such use of the  Publicity Material may include the reproduction, modification, adaptation, translation or  creation of derivative works from the Entry Material; 
  • acknowledge that the Publicity Parties shall not be required to compensate, notify, or  request the Participant’s permission in connection with their use of any Publicity Material,  unless otherwise prohibited by law; and 
  • waive any rights that the Participant may have or that may otherwise exist in connection  with any use of the Publicity Material by any of the Publicity Parties, including any moral  rights in any such Publicity Material.



By entering the Contest, each Participant: 

  • grants to the CPL the right to use their personal information provided when they enter the  Contest for the purpose of administering the Contest, including but not limited to  contacting and announcing the winners and coordinating the provision of the prizes; 
  • grants to the CPL the right to use their personal information for publicity and promotional  purposes relating to the Contest in any and all media without further notification or compensation; and 
  • acknowledges that the CPL may disclose their personal information to third-party agents  and service providers of the CPL in connection with any of the activities listed in (i) and/or  (ii) above. 

Participant’s personal information shall be treated in accordance with the CPL’s Privacy Policy  located at:  

Over the course of participating in the Contest, a Participant may be given the option to receive  commercial emails or other communications of a commercial nature (collectively, “Commercial  Communications”) from the CPL and/or the Sponsors or other parties. Should the Participant  elect to receive Commercial Communications from the CPL and/or Sponsors, the Participant’s  personal information will be used by such parties to that end. 


The Releasees assume no liability for the following: 

  • stolen, late, incomplete, illegible, inaccurate, misdirected, lost, misrouted, scrambled,  damaged, delayed, undelivered, mutilated, jumbled, or garbled entries, transmissions,  email, mail, or other communications; 
  • any error, omission, interruption, defect or delay in transmission, processing, or  communication; 
  • failures or malfunctions of, or difficulties with, computer hardware or software, telephones,  telephone lines, telephone systems, or network, cable, satellite, server, or website  connections; 
  • printing, typographical, or other errors appearing within these Contest Rules, in any  Contest-related advertisements, or in Contest-related materials; 
  • incorrect or inaccurate information, including where caused by website users, tampering,  hacking, or by any equipment or programming associated or used in connection with the  Contest; 
  • injury or damage to any computer, mobile phone or other device resulting from or  otherwise related to participation in the Contest, the use of any website, or the downloading  or accessing of any materials; 
  • anyone being incorrectly or mistakenly identified as a winner or potential winner; and/or


  • any other errors, problems or difficulties of any kind, whether human, mechanical,  electronic, or otherwise, relating in any way to the Contest, including those errors,  problems or difficulties that may relate to the administration of the Contest, the processing  of entries, the advertising of the Contest, the announcement of any prize or prize winner,  or the cancellation or postponement of any event. 

The Contest is void where prohibited by law and is subject to all applicable Canadian federal,  provincial, territorial, municipal and local laws. This Contest shall be governed exclusively by the  laws of Ontario, Canada including all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity,  interpretation and enforceability of these Contest Rules, rights, and obligations between  Participants and the CPL, and procedural provisions, without giving effect to any choice of law or  conflict of law rules. Any dispute shall be adjudicated by the courts sitting in Toronto, Ontario,  Canada.  


All intellectual property, including but not limited to trademarks, trade names, logos, designs,  promotional materials, web pages, drawings, videos, photographs, illustrations, slogans or  representations relating to the Contest are owned by the CPL. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized  copying or use of any of the CPL’s intellectual property without the express written consent of the  CPL is strictly prohibited. 


The CPL reserves the right to cancel, terminate or amend the Contest without prior notice and  without giving reasons. In the case of unforeseeable events, the CPL reserves the right to  reschedule or cancel the Contest and/or reschedule/modify the format of the Contest. The CPL  has the sole discretion to determine Participant eligibility and reserves the right to change any of  the eligibility requirements at any time. The CPL can disqualify for any reason any Participant  who, in the CPL’s sole discretion, is sufficiently acquainted with the development, production,  administration, judging, exhibition or other exploitation of CPL and/or the Contest such that their  participation in Contest could create the appearance of impropriety. The CPL reserves the right to  exclude, in its sole discretion, any Participant from entry in the Contest for any reason or for no  reason at all, including without limitation, violation of any portion of the Contest Rules, or  tampering with the entry process. 


The CPL reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any Participant from the Contest,  or prevent any Participant from future participation in a contest, that has: 

  • resold or attempted to resell a prize, in whole or in part; 
  • tampered with or attempted to tamper with, or undermined or attempted to undermine, the  legitimate operation of the Contest and/or the Website;


  • provided false or misleading information; 
  • acted in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with the intent to annoy, abuse,  threaten or harass any person; and/or 
  • otherwise violated these Contest Rules. 

In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these Contest Rules and disclosures or  statements made by the CPL, the Sponsors or appearing in other Contest-related materials, these  Contest Rules shall govern. 

© 2023 Canadian Premier League. All rights reserved.

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