Who’s in, who’s out? List of Winnipeg trialists to advance to final scrimmage

Day 2 of the Canadian Premier League’s #GotGame Open Trials has officially wrapped in Winnipeg, with the returning 64 Day 2 trialists eventually whittled down to only 31 for the final round of 11-v-11 matches at Investors Group Field.

With the CPL’s head coaches watching on from the sidelines, Trials Lead Coach Alex Bunbury and the rest of the league’s staff and trials coordinators will continue working with the prospective players and keeping tabs in the weeks to come, with analytics company Kinduct also collecting comprehensive data using a mix of monitoring hardware and software.

Here’s the list of players who have made the final cut in Winnipeg:

Dayton Lehman Goalkeeper
Dylan O’Connor Goalkeeper
Svyatik Artemenko Goalkeeper
Connor Ismond Defender
Garmina Paygar Defender
Alex Haiart Defender
Joshua Harper Defender
Adam Bromley Defender
Prince Amara Defender
Nile Walwyn Defender
Sahand Barazandeh Defender
Aaron Hidalgo-Mazzei Defender
Josue Boutouli Defender
Alejandra Vasquez Defender
Klenton Stockmon-Willis Defender
Shiquan Lowe Defender
William Paul Midfielder
Abraham Jones Midfielder
Jason Muzvidziwa Midfielder
Maxwell Dragojevic Midfielder
Alexander Mrena Midfielder
Ezequiel Lubocki Midfielder
Olufemi Afelumo Midfielder
Jibril Yimar Midfielder
Ethan Cabral Midfielder
Anatoli Leveille Midfielder
Jonathan Dodd Midfielder
Dami Adegunle Forward
Tristan da Silva Forward
Tyler Attardo Forward
Rinor Hoxha Forward

See more live updates from each day of the #GotGame Open Trials by following @CPLsoccer on Instagram, and go behind-the-scenes with managing editor Kurt Larson throughout the trials by adding “CPLsoccer” on Snapchat.

The CPL’s #GotGame trials next head to Calgary (Oct. 25-26) and Vancouver Island (Nov. 5-6).

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